How To Come Up With Blog Ideas That Generate Traffic
Sometimes getting inspired as a blogger isn’t as easy as putting on a pot of coffee and letting the ideas pour out of you and onto your content calendar. Don’t know what a content calendar is? Don’t worry, I’ll get you up to speed.
Ways to Come Up With Traffic-Generating Blog Ideas
Here are some ways to come up with blog ideas that generate traffic.
Follow Trending Topics
Follow like-minded bloggers on social media and see what they’re writing about and which types of content they’re getting the most attention for. It’s important that you do this regularly and jot down ideas when you come across great content. If you don’t, not only will it get overwhelming, but it by the time you catch up it might be old news. The early bird gets the worm, so move fast when you get a great idea or when something new and exciting happens in your industry.
Google Analytics
Dig into your Google Analytics and check out which pages and blog posts are getting the most views and social shares. Chances are there are a few that are doing a lot better than the others. Your audience has already told you what they want, so you should listen. Create content that’s similar to what’s already working.
Maintain An Active Content Calendar
This can be as simple as jotting down ideas and possible titles in Google Spreadsheets or you may consider using a program like Evernote to keep it all organized. When you think of blog ideas, write them down and then check back in with them periodically so that you can decide whether you want to write them, develop them or scratch them. Keep yourself or any writers who contribute to your site on task by creating and following through with deadlines.
Integrate Topics With Keywords
If you’ve already done keyword research for your blog recently, use the results for inspiration. If a lot of people are searching for a particular keyword related to your industry you should consider creating content around that topic. If you haven’t done keyword research yet, it’s a good idea to either do it yourself or contact a professional to do it for you. You might also find our post “Using Google Search For Keyword Research” very useful!
Crowdsource Ideas Through Social Media
Have a feeling that your audience will resonate with a particular topic? Promote related content from other sites to test the waters. If your audience views and shares the post, you’ll know your instincts were right. If you don’t get the reaction that you were expecting it may be time to go back to the drawing board. At least you’ll know what won’t work before writing and publishing the blog post.
Mention The Advice Of Others
Link to the blog posts of others often and you may get a link back. You may want to consider sending out a Sourcebottle request and getting others to weigh in on the topic. That way, they’ll share the blog post too. More social shares = more traffic.
The most important thing to keep in mind when coming up with blogs that generate traffic is that you have to find a system that works for you and you have to be willing to re-evaluate your strategy on an ongoing basis.
If you are keen to learn more about blogging and how you take advantage of this to benefit your SEO, check out my new online, self-managed course, The SEO School, which takes you through all the key tools and techniques of a successful SEO strategy. The course is great for business owners, website managers and anyone who wants hands-on learning about all the essentials of SEO from an industry expert. Find out more about The SEO School here.
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